I’ve built alot of quads!

Since the last time I posted anything RC-related I’ve been busy enjoying the hobby to the fullest. I’ve followed the quadcopter revolution. Or rather multicopter revolution to be more precise when including also the tricopters. Hopefully I will soon get to update this site with more information on all the builds I’ve done. I think it’s about 9 fully built 250-size quadcopters, 2 larger and one 250-size tricopter. #fpvaddict

But for now please checkout my FPV-instagram where I have posted updates on some of them.

Also on the latest build I added alot of pictures and some detailed specifications to rotorbuilds.com. The frame is from Armattan Quads and is called the “Chameleon Suki edition“.

First tricopter outside flight!


I only flew a few moments, but man that was sweet. Unfortunately the camera stopped recording so my follow up flight didn’t stick. I was also flying on the yard and at close to sundown so I didn’t feel like pushing it further.

Hopefully I will soon have a lot more videos to post.

Servo Gimbal!

Mounted the servo gimbal today 🙂
I have no idea what I’m doing so do not repeat this setup. At least until I have tested it and have some footage to show. I built this mostly because it was not so expensive relative the brushless alternatives but also so that I would get some training on both building and inevitably crashing a gimbal. If possible I’m thinking I should try to make it work using a budget camera first. Like my 808#16 or maybe a Mobius or some other gear in that pricerange. Tips are welcome!
20140210-233842.jpg Yes my thoughts where first to have it hanging under the tricopter but I wanted to try mounting it on top. It’s no biggie to change it later on if needed.

So here’s a video showing where I’m at. I have a long way before I can FPV on this…


Oh and on a sidenote, I ditched the (more) flimsy and sketchy looking front landing gears and made two more of the back model. They are not as forgiving but looks much better.

It’s alive!

Today I made alot of progress and actually got to test my Tricopter out for the first time (video below).

Yesterday I finished attaching the servoarm to the tilt mechanism.


This is what I have done today:

– Finished attaching the tilting motor mount and servo.




– Mounted the KK2.0 foam box inside the Bat Bone and put the KK2.0 safely inside that.




– Built landing gears out of cheap plastic IKEA hangers and mounted them


– Attached the ESC:s to the arms using zip-ties

– Analyzed where the CG should be using some strings


– Attached the reciever and it’s antennas

– Connected the power distribution cables (this needs to be re-done, because it’s quite uggly)

And here is the test flight!

My first motor running!

It’s all coming together! I had a little trouble there for a moment. Before flashing SimonK bs I couldn’t get my ESCs to fire up. I was probably doing something wrong but hey, I was going to flash the ESCs anyway. I use the KKflashtool on Linux with my 9X usbasp and the “HK atmel chip piggyback adapter tool”. Also showing in the beginning is my “FrankenCable” or HXT to JST adapter, connected to a “USBpower to header-pins “-cable fed with a 5V/1A poweradapter.

Tomorrow I hope to get some more stuff crossed off! Especially the servo for the motortilt… TBC…


Well things are coming together nicely. I finished attaching the last bulletconnectors (18!! solderings) needed for flight capable electrical system this Sunday. I still have a loooong list of things to be done but figured it was time to lay out all the parts to get a feel for how it will look and also a first notion as to how I will be able to route the cables. It looks as I will not need the extension cables for the ESCs after all, length of ESCs cables with connectors should suffice. Next up will probably be attaching the servo for the tilt. After that testing the ESCs and motors, reading up on SimonK programming ESCs then do that and also prepare by researching on setting up the KK2.0. and … tbc… 😉

Still alive!

So as you probably figured out by now if you have been following my progress on this project – I work on it when I feel like it with a goal to be finished around spring at the latest. That said I still work on it at least a couple of hours a week so even when I haven’t posted for a while (as now) rest assured, I’m still going for it.

I have finally finished the motormount-adapters…
…and have most recently begun the process of soldering bulletconnectors to the ESCs and motors. 6 down 18 to go…


I have bought a tilting mount for my new GoPro Hero+ Black.

And yesterday I got my Taranis radio with Frsky telemetry sensors.

I’m now also a happy owner of a Blade QX Nano quadcopter.

Expect some updates on all of them later on… or at least some photos and videos ;-).

Painted ’em black

Quick update! I had some hobby paint at home and since I already did file down the wood earlier after the sawing and I had the time – I went for it. Possibly the easiest step so far, painting the arms. I like to work with wood as a material. Much more pleasant than aluminum. Hey look another use of my Dremel workstation! Yey! 20131126-210857.jpg


After visiting about 4 hardware stores in search of what I thought was a relatively common dimension I finally found them at a local hobbyshop I didn’t even know existed: ReservdelsRC. Went there yesterday and when entering the shop and looking around I saw their “Great Wall Of Screws And RC Accessories”, wow! Jackpot! I could even choose between two different materials and designs. Also, my calculations on screwlength will work. I got 20pcs M3x6mm and also just in case 20pcs of M3x8mm. Later I might also buy som extra M3x20mm’s for the Bat Bone.

And yes I will probably do 1000 posts before this Tricopter flies 😛

Them Arms!

So I finally got to sawing the sticks into arms. With my dremel the once forseen problem with using 14x14mm sticks instead of 12.8×12.8mm soon vanished. As you can see in the images below I carved it down on one side and it is a perfect fit, somewhere around 13x14mm. I also drilled the holes using the Dremel with workstation. I managed to put the two in the back arm in pretty much perfect center and aligned with the bat bone (not done yet in the picture). It seemed impossible at first, especially since I had moved my support bits that held the wood in place. Managed to align and with careful testing and tiny corrections I got it. I’m not even sure if I can replicate that ever again. So I hope they never break… 20131125-182123.jpg
So here is the first picture of how large it will become once built. Even though there’s still much to do this milestone felt so good. 🙂


Yey! It can has propellers! Lolz!
20131125-182152.jpgMy cat felt I needed her in the picture for size comparison. She is quite a sturdy cat though 😉